Sunday 27 February 2011

Age Ratings (BBFC)

Age Ratings (BBFC)

·         Strong Language must be in frequent and not used in an aggressive context
·         Moderate violence allowed but it should not dwell on detail (no emphasis on blood or injuries). Gory moments allowed if they justify the context.
·         Dangerous Behaviour (e.g. suicide or self harm) may be present but must not dwell on detail so it can’t be copied.
·         Weapons or Drugs that are easily accessible are not allowed
·         Discrimination shouldn’t be promoted and kept at a low level
·         There may be infrequent drug use but should not be glamorised or instructional.

·         Horror can contain strong threat and menace (as long as it’s not sadistic or sexual), strongest gory images unlikely to be accepted.
·         Drugs may be shown but not promoted
·         Discrimination must not be promoted
·         Easily accessible weapons such as knives should not be glamorised
·         Violence can be strong be it must not dwell on the infliction of pain. Sadastic and sexual violence is unacceptable unless discreet and have a strong contextual justification
·         There may be frequent use of strong language however the strongest terms are unlikely to be accepted unless justified by the context.

Anything may be shown with the exception of:
·         Material in breach of the law
·         When material shown maybe encourage behaviour harmful to others
·         When there is more sexual activity or images than can be justified by the context

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